How to connect 3G broadband on TABLET ANDROID
Below is step to connect Broadband on Tablet PC ANDROID.
- Connect your Huawei broadband modem to tablet through USB cable given. And wait around 10 minutes for 1st time detection.
- Go Settings --> Wireless and Networks--> WiFi (un-check)
- Go Settings --> Wireless and Networks --> Mobile Networks --> Access Point Names
- Click Menu icon on tablet (the 3rd touch screen icon on right side tablet), and add New APN.
- Enter below info.:
Name APN UserName Password Proxy Port MCC MNC Celcom celcom celcom3g (blank) (blank) 8080 502 19 Maxis maxis unet or maxisbb maxis (blank) 80 502 12 Digi digi diginet or 3gdgnet (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) 502 16 U-Mobile umobile my3g (blank) (blank) (blank) (blank) 502 18 - Click Menu (the 3rd touch screen icon on right side tablet), then Save.
- After save APN, click and choose the APN which you just created.
- To connect broadband, go Settings --> Wireless and Networks --> Mobile
Networks --> Data Enabled (check)
Once connected, there is a icon "G" or "H" on top line of the tablet. - To disconnect broadband, go Settings --> Wireless and Networks --> Mobile Networks --> Data Enabled (un-check)
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